Exmouth Research Aqurium Control Systems Engineering

Case Study

Exmouth Research Aqurium Control Systems Engineering

The Australian based Minderoo Foundation supports a number of community initiatives, including to increase understanding of the effect of the changing climate and increased human pressures on the oceans. A new marine research facility at the Ningaloo Centre in Exmouth, Western Australia has been built to enable this. To support the research a stable and consistent supply of high-quality seawater was necessary.

A control system was required with the automation to; pump seawater from two shore-based bores, filter and aerate the seawater; dose the seawater with reverse osmosis treated fresh water and store the treated water in the research facility for use. In addition to this, two separate hot and chilled water systems enabling further experimentation were required to be integrated into the control system.

ACE integrated this control system, bringing full functionality to the facility allowing further environmental research to be undertaken.