Remote Monitoring for Better Environment

Cloud based platform provide clients with ability for remote monitoring for their sites anywhere and any time via computers or smart phones. Inbuilt analytic tools help clients in identify the anomalies and potential breakdowns which in turn save time and money.

We provide web-based monitoring and data archival, letting you access your data, trends, and reports anywhere. With secure, redundant servers, and secure remote login, we take care of all the Remote Monitoring details for you.

Heat Stress Monitoring

Heat Stress Monitoring

Ensure the safety of your employees and comply with the national OH&S regulations by remote monitoring for Humidity and Heat Stress to protect workers from extreme working conditions. Monitor for WBGT, Humidity, Humidex, and Temperature with ACE’s Heat Stress Monitoring.

Environmental Monitoring   Australian Control Engineering Pty Ltd

Air Quality Monitoring

Along with the extensive remote monitoring capabilities for monitoring hazardous gases, our platform also monitors Air Quality Health Index metrics. Air quality includes Ozone, Particulate Matter, and Nitrogen Dioxide. We can provide real-time risk assessment for AQHI.

Environmental Monitoring   Australian Control Engineering Pty Ltd

Cloud-Ready Agriculture Monitoring

We provide remote monitoring solutions for agriculture applications. Our platform’s data acquisition technology provides real-time measurements and reports from any agriculture sensors and equipment, delivering insight for immediate action or storing analytical intelligence for further operational foresight and decisions.

  • QUEST Meters monitor data including: WBGT, Humidity, Temperature, Humidex, and Heat-Index
  • Online data access via desktop, tablets, and mobile devices
  • Multiple users can login to view WBGT data through a web browser or mobile app
  • Set escalating alarms with early warnings can go to foremen, while higher thresholds will send email or SMS alerts to the users
  • Heat stress units can be embedded inside the Weather-Proof Packages for a outdoor or mobile solution
  • Add sound level and particulate monitoring for a complete monitoring package
  • Integrate and monitor existing heat stress devices
  • Monitor Air Quality during forest fires / wildfires
  • Additional sensors for wind speed and wind direction can be added
  • Heat and Humidity sensors can be added to provide more accurate air quality readings
  • With AQHI readings advanced forest fire detection can be made in remote areas
  • Air quality monitors can be installed in retirement homes or schools to provide warnings for the most vulnerable people
  • You have an existing air quality meter that you want online? We will integrate your product at no charge
  • Monitor any sensor or equipment in real-time
  • Levels, humidity, temperature, wind speed and direction, tanks, pivots, equipment tracking, vehicle tracking, and much more
  • Agriculture data can be viewed and accessed anytime, anywhere
  • Alarm callout notification via Email, SMS, and/or Email
  • Complete End-to-End solution: From project design, hardware supply, to dashboard customisation
  • Integrates seamlessly to your existing systems without costly hardware and engineering services
  • Need to upgrade from an antiquated system to a digital farming IoT system? We can help!
  • Fast turnaround to get your monitoring system running very quickly!